It's time to Unshame Your Desire.

Have more sex by working with your desire not against it. Now open for enrollment!

Oh hey there! Your future self just called:

She wants you to know that feeling totally in love with your body and wildly irresistible in the bedroom is literally right at your fingertips.


Your most pleasure filled life awaits you!

Are you seeking passionate love and looking to find the partnership of your dreams? Or do you wish to rekindle the romance and desire within the relationship you have right now?
Maybe you're longing to feel like a confident sex kitten in the bedroom? Or revolutionize the way you relate to your body in order to be the kind of woman who lights up a room?
....all while basking in the sweet simple pleasures of life?

Well then, you've come to the (W)right place! I have got you covered.

Hi I'm Kristin and it is my passion to help you claim the Life, Love and Pleasure that you so deserve.

1 on 1 coaching

Feel empowered to express yourself fully in all areas of your life (including expressing yourself fully in the nude!).

Online Programs

Online programs to awaken your inherent sexual nature so that you feel confident in your body and being. Check out- Coming Home, Jade Egg Journey and The Together Series.

Ebooks and Audio Guides

Free goodies to help you get started on the journey to radical sex and revolutionary love.


RadicalĀ Sex & RevolutionaryĀ Love

withĀ a whole lotta magic in between....
Learn more about Unshame Your Desire.....

"Kristin is an incredible facilitator and incomparably passionate about what she offers in her work. She's designed a safe place for the unwinding of all our old stories and creates a loving space to step into our power and magnificence as the wild beautiful creatures that we are."


Listen to the Kiss The Wild Podcast!

Together let's get intimate with the places  we’ve been told not to go through conversations we’ve been told not to have.


Reignite desire in the bedroom and unleash the sex goddess within.

Sign up below to receive my practical and informative ebook with revolutionary ideas and support for increasing desire in the bedroom. Not only are there 7 helpful tips but also practical home play exercises to start incorporating these ideas into your bedroom tonight.

Your best bedroom life awaits

Subscribe to my list and get weekly vlogs with my best tips on how to live your best life in and out of the bedroom!

I wish to acknowledge the ancestral, traditional and unceded territories of the Coast Salish people. In particular I recognize and give thanks to Cowichan Tribes whose traditional territory I work, create, learn and play on.


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